Have you ever seen these messages before launching SOLIDWORKS? There is no SolidWorks database. Full functionality is not available.

SW-errors SolidWorks Database is missing error message
SolidWorks Database is missing error message
There is no error message in the SolidWorks databaseOr what about the SOLIDWORKS error message? Failed to initialize library of tools
Solidworks Errors  Message
Failed to initialize Error Message
Not to worry! This means that the Hole Wizard / Toolbox function could not find the important database file SWBrowser.mdb.

Solving the problem of the lack of a SOLIDWORKS database

The fix is ​​simple. Open the SOLIDWORKS settings in the Tools> Options menu and select the Hole Wizard / Toolbar on the System Settings tab.
Change Solidworksdata path
SolidWorks Toolbox options

The path specified in the "Hole Wizard and Tools" folder must contain the \ lang \ english folder, and the English folder must have the SWBrowser.mdb file. When you install SolidWorks by default, you must set the parameters that point to C: \ SolidWorks Data, and the MDB file will be located in the C: \ SolidWorks Data \ lang \ english \ SWBrowser.mdb folder.
Therefore, if you have error messages, go to the folder specified in the toolbar options, and see if there is a file \ lang \ english \ SWBrowser.mdb. And make sure that you have full permissions to get there! If necessary, change the path to the Toolbox above by clicking the "..." button.

If you can not find the SWBrowser.mdb file or if you still have problems, try repairing SOLIDWORKS

Article by Scott Durksen, CSWE

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