Windows 7, 8.1 and 10, include a feature called User Account Controls (UAC) which prevents access to the Windows registry files. However SOLIDWORKS requires access to the Windows registry during installation and even when running.

Issues when installing SOLIDWORKS

During installation, many items are written to the registry. With UAC enabled, these items can become corrupt or blocked completely as it is attempting to prevent the installation. It is recommended to disable the UAC, along with any antivirus/antispyware software, before installing SOLIDWORKS. If SOLIDWORKS was installed with the User Account Controls and Antivirus enabled, you may experience issues with your software.

Issues when running SOLIDWORKS

Once SOLIDWORKS is installed, the UAC can still cause errors when running. Some known issues are connecting to the SolidNetwork License server, loading the Toolbox, using equations & macros, and running Simulations ). We recommend keeping UAC disabled for machines running SOLIDWORKS.

Windows UAC setting SOLIDWORKS

In all Windows versions, the UAC can be found under Windows Control Panel > User Accounts > Change User Account Control settings. Below are shortcuts that can be used to access the UAC:

To disable UAC in Windows 7:

Go to Start > type UAC in the search box

Slide the bar down the bottom for “Never notify”
SW-errors User Account Control Settings
User Account Control Settings
Restart your computer

To disable UAC in Windows 8.1:

Press the Windows key on your keyboard to get to the Start screen
Type “uac” to start a search
Select “Settings” under the search box and press Enter

SW-Errors-UAC access
UAC access
Slide the bar to “Never notify
Restart your computer

SW-errors User Account Control Settings
User Account Control Settings

To disable UAC in Windows 10:

Press the Windows key on your keyboard to get to the Start screen
Type “uac s” to start a search
Select “Change User Account Control settings” in the results

SW-errors Windows 10 UAC
Windows 10 UAC

Slide the bar to “Never notify
Restart your computer

SW-errors User Account Control Settings
User Account Control Settings

Article by Scott Durksen, CSWE

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