Error Solidworks Toolbox:

  1. Failed to get writable document
  2. Unable to open read-only file
  3. Failed to  save Toolbox library: Access to the path is denied
  4. You appear to have experienced problems the last time you loaded the Solidworks Toolbox add-in

Failed to get writable document

In this case, you need to check the access rights to the Toolbox directory (by default C: \ Solidworks Data can be viewed in the Toolbox settings)
Solidworks Change Options
Solidworks Options
Change Solidworks Toolbox Location
Change Solidworks Toolbox Location

To do this, right-click on the Toolbox-Properties - Security tab. Check that your account has write permissions.

Unable to open read-only file

With this error, you must tick the "Change the status of the read-only document to the record" in the Toolbox- "User Settings" configurator settings
Change Solidworks Toolbox location
Change the status of the read-only document to the record

Failed to  save Toolbox library: 

Access to the path is denied

In the third case, you need to check the write permission of the "ToolboxFiles.index" file, which is located in the Toolbox - \ Browser directory. This error may appear in SW2012 and higher versions. This is due to the fact that starting from Solidworks 2012 the toolbox does not depend on the SWBrowser.mdb database, but stores the structure in the "ToolboxFiles.index" file.

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