Time Saving Keyboard Shortcuts
This list is of particular interest, here are combinations of both mouse keysb keys and their combinations. About many combinations you did not even guess.
Keyboard shortcut
Alt + drag
·         Mates. Creates a SmartMate when you Alt + drag a component.
·         Motion studies. Moves multiple keys in the MotionManager.
·         Triad. When using the triad (for example, in Move with Triad mode and in Exploded Views), aligns the triad with an edge or face when you Alt + drag the center ball or handle on the triad and drop it on an edge or face.
·         Reordering components. When moving a component in the FeatureManager design tree, ensures that the component remains at the same level in the tree and prevents it from being moved into a subassembly.
Alt + Ctrl + drag
Copies the component and creates a SmartMate.
Ctrl + drag
·         Copies a component when you Ctrl + drag it.
·         Selection. In an assembly with preselected components, inverts the selection when you Ctrl + drag a selection box.
·         Toolbox. Creates a part instead of a configuration when you drag a Toolbox component into an assembly.
·         Motion studies. Copies multiple keys in the MotionManager.
·         Hide/Show. Hides all components below the pointer.
·         While Inserting a Component. Rotates the component 90º.
Shift + Tab
·         Hide/Show. Shows all components below the pointer.
·         While Inserting a Component. Rotates the component -90º.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Temporarily displays all hidden components as transparent and lets you select which ones to show.
To show one or more components, move the pointer to the graphics area, and press and hold Ctrl + Shift + Tab. All hidden components are temporarily displayed as transparent. Click a hidden component to change it to shown.
Right-click and drag
·         In a blank area of the graphics area. Invokes mouse gestures.
·         On a component. Rotates a component relative to the assembly origin.
Alt + right-click + drag
On a Component. Invokes mouse gestures instead of the Rotate Component tool.
Shift + arrow keys
Reorients a Routing component when you insert a Routing component into an existing Routing assembly.
Keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V
Use these keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste, similar to Windows functionality.
·         Sketches. Copies and pastes sketch entities.
·         Parts. Copies and pastes sketches.
·         Assemblies. Copies and pastes parts and subassemblies. If you select a feature in the FeatureManager design tree, you can copy and paste the feature as an assembly-level feature.
·         Drawings. Copies and pastes drawing views.
Ctrl + drag
·         Sketches. Copies sketch entities.
·         Parts. Copies features.
·         Assemblies. Copies parts and subassemblies.
·         Drawings. Copies drawing views.
Dimensions and annotations
Keyboard shortcut
Alt + click
Turns off automatic alignment when you place dimensions and annotations.
Alt + drag
Moves an annotation independently from the group in which it is contained.
Alt + specified values
Inserts standard Windows symbols:
·         Alt + 0176. Inserts a degree º symbol.
·         Alt + 0216. Inserts a diameter Ø symbol.
·         Alt + 0181. Inserts a µ symbol.
Ctrl + drag
Creates additional leaders on a note when you Ctrl + drag a leader's arrowhead.
Shift + click
Snaps a dimension to the max or min location when dimensioning arcs and circles with the Smart Dimension tool.
` key
Lets you change the annotation view plane for a dimension or annotation.
Keyboard shortcut
Alt + arrow keys
Rotates the model parallel to the viewing plane.
Alt + drag the middle mouse button
Rotates the model parallel to the viewing plane.
Shift + arrow keys
Rotates the model 90º.
Shift + Z
Zooms the model in.
Zooms the model out.
Shift + drag the middle mouse button
Zooms the model in and out about the screen center.
Zooms to fit.
Alt + click
Shows a hidden body or component when you hover over the body or component.
Alt + middle mouse wheel
Shows a section view when using the magnifying glass.
Ctrl + spacebar
Opens the View Selector.
Opens the View Selector and Orientation dialog box.
Alt + drag
Opens the Appearances PropertyManager when you drag an appearance from the Task Pane onto a model.
Keyboard shortcut
Alt + drag
Lets you select anywhere in a table to move the table.
Ctrl + drag
·         Drawing views. Breaks the drawing view alignment when you insert a drawing view.
·         Annotations. Copies annotations without snapping to the grid or to other annotations.
·         Tables. Lets you select anywhere in a table to move the table.
Shift + click
Lets you select one edge in a drawing view if multiple edges are collinear. In general, when you select an edge in a drawing, the entire line is highlighted if all of the line segments are collinear.
Shift + drag
Moves a dimension to another drawing view when you drag the dimension and drop it on another view.
Keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + arrow keys
Pans a model.
Ctrl + drag the middle mouse button
Pans a model.
Shift + drag
·         Sketches. Moves a set of sketch entities.
·         Parts. Moves a feature.
·         Drawings. Moves the selected drawing view and any related views together as if they are one entity. You can also move a dimension to a different view.
Keyboard shortcut
Alt + click
Lets you select the back faces in the View Selector cube.
Ctrl + click
Lets you select multiple entities.
Lets you select a transparent face on a part.
Shift + click
Selects everything within the two selected items in the FeatureManager design tree.
Sheet metal
Keyboard shortcut
Flips the direction of the forming tool when dragging the forming tool onto a face.
Keyboard shortcut
Alt + drag
Symmetrically adjusts both handles of a control point in a spline.
Ctrl + drag
Suppresses inference lines when dragging an endpoint.
Pressing Ctrl while sketching
Turns off automatic sketch relations.
Shift + click
Turns on snapping.
Shift + drag
When sketching a line, the line snaps to specific lengths.
Changes the XYZ plane when sketching in a 3D sketch.
User interface
Keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + B
Rebuilds the model.
Ctrl + R
Redraws the screen.
Ctrl + Tab
Moves among open documents.
Repeats the last command.
Opens the shortcut bar.

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